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Learn How to Draw whatever You See or Imagine

The Drawing Academy is an online Drawing Course and Art Community, where you can learn how to draw in the comfort of your home, and benefit from the support of Academy tutors and fellow students.

It was founded and is lead by professional fine artists and art teachers.

Free Video Lessons – Selected Parts:

Free Video

How to Draw a Model

Drawing Lesson 38, Part 1

In this video lesson, you will discover How to Draw a Model by watching the creation process of a realistic life model drawing, presenting step-by-step direction on how to draw a female.

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Free Video

Creative Drawing Technique

Drawing Lesson 44, Part 3

In this video lesson you will find out how to make creative composition in graphite media. Natalie Richy presents the unique process of creating the “Leda and the Swan” composition.

Watch this video lesson »

Free Video

Golden Section Ratio

Drawing Lesson 24, Part 1

For centuries, the golden proportions of a human body have fascinated fine artists. This video will reveal universal principles present in nature, science, and art.

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Free ‘How to Draw a Portrait’ Step-by-Step Guide

How to draw a portrait

How to Draw a Portrait in the Three-quarters View

In this book, you will discover the step by step process of how to draw a head in the three-quarters view.

It is written and illustrated by Vladimir London, internationally published author and the founder of Drawing Academy.

“In the Drawing Academy course, students often ask me how to draw a portrait so it looks realistic. I also regularly receive portrait drawings for critique that have common mistakes like misplaced facial features, incorrect proportions, wrong perspective, and so on. Such mistakes happen because of:

  • Not knowing or not following constructive drawing principles
  • Ignoring human head proportions
  • Knowledge gaps in a human anatomy.

The biggest challenge in drawing portraits arrives from the misconception of how art is created – students draw not what they know, but copy what they see. This leads to inevitable mistakes.

To explain why the principle “Draw What You Know, not What You See” is important, I’ll give you an example…

Continue reading and see illustrations here »

Free Art Albums and Books:

Art Community:

How to enroll

You are just one click away from starting your art education

Enroll in the Drawing Academy Course:
Three Monthly Installments
Pay for the course in 3 easy installments
  • Receive 15 new videos monthly (45 in total)
  • Incredible discount – $4,164
  • Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
  • Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
  • Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
  • Lifetime membership. Free after the 3rd month
Total cost: $291 USD (3 x $97)

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Complete Course - BEST VALUE
Get all video lessons for a one-time payment
  • Immediate access to all 45 video lessons
  • Incredible discount – $4,198
  • Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
  • Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
  • Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
  • Lifetime membership. No more payments
Total cost - Only $257 USD

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