Story and drawing by Cinthia Izquierdo

Story and drawing by Cinthia Izquierdo

Becoming an artist rather than someone who can draw when they put their mind to it

Well, what’s the difference between being an artist or just being able to draw? I believe an artist is someone who consistently puts time into their craft and is continually refining their skill. I am not an artist. I can draw when the great blue moon strikes and I sit down and really put my mind to the task.

I have always have a creative bent, but never really found a home it. I have, over the years, indulged in embroidery, cake decorating, punch embroidery, gardening, and taught myself crochet. I enjoy taking photos with my my DSLR. Mostly of flowers, clouds and other things of nature.

I mention the camera because I once, many years ago, had to correct my daughter who had bragged that I was a photographer. Well like I said I enjoy taking photos, however, that does not make me a photographer! The person to whom she was speaking was a professional photographer by the way.

The drawing I have posted with this letter is an example of one of my blue moon episodes, and a revisit. I had drawn this a few years ago and put him away not quite satisfied yet still proud of him. There was, and still is, a lot of things wrong with the drawing. When I found your web site I looked through your past winners and student gallery. There I found an article on hatching verses the flatness of smudging. I had used smudging for the most part on this guy and as stated in the article I read, he was quite flat. So I went back in and added a great deal of depth and texture with hatching. I am much happier with the results.

Story and drawing by Cinthia Izquierdo

However, as you can see in th shoulder and arm, I lack a real knowledge of anatomy and how the muscles will flow from the chest to the deltoids and pectoral muscles. I have not been able to find a good visual reference to help in the pose I have him in. It is frustrating to solve these problems when I do not have the real knowledge needed to finish the drawing properly.

Being a working adult with kids, I do not have the time or funds to attend the local atelier. I am sure the Drawing Academy is the perfect fit for me. I really think that becoming a real artist is where I can fulfill my creative needs.

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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