Artwork by Rayne Sheffer

Artwork by Rayne Sheffer

Art from Imagination Improvement

Hi! My name’s Rayne, and my life revolves around art. It is the most important thing to me and I would like to improve my art skills to achieve my goals. My challenges in art are mostly getting things to look realistic when I am drawing from imagination.

I want to learn how to draw humans better and how to draw from my imagination better. I also would like to learn the beautiful crosshatching that I see on this website.

Drawing Academy will be very helpful because of the structure of the lessons and the way it teaches from the old masters. It seems like others don’t teach what they teach here.

I want to win the Drawing Academy course to improve my art skills, so that I can be good enough to go into the career that I want. You should vote for me because I am passionate about art and would really want to get better at it!

Artwork by Rayne Sheffer

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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