Artwork by Jean, Drawing Academy student

Artwork by Jean, Drawing Academy student

First commission portrait

My first official request by a colleague, who wanted me to do a portrait of her dog, Bonnie, who is passed.

It was a very challenging piece as I had no idea how to render white fur in shadow.

This was my 5th and final attempt that I presented to her, and to my relief she was most happy with me capturing Bonnie’s expression, as I couldn’t see past the sloppy rendering mistakes resisting the urge to start over a 6th time was a big learning curve.

Artwork by Jean, Drawing Academy student

Categorized: Students Gallery

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. nafi says:

    A truly lifelike portrait of the animal .the artist shows a fine awareness of the use of light;dark and colour.I especially admire how expressive the eyes are.well done Mr Jean Botha.looking forward to viewing more of your art work.

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