A dream probably will come true

A dream probably will come true

Artwork by Siting Ni

A dream probably will come true

My name is Siting, currently living in Quebec, Canada. As many other people here, I am that kind of person loves art but never has the opportunity to go to art school. My parents were very practical when they came to choose my major. Go to a normal high school & university, instead of any art school. Perhaps for them, art is not as “useful” as other subjects; plus, art school is really expensive and we cannot afford it. I am not a person loves to compromise and I don’t want to live in a way I find nothing fun. However, finally I gave up the opportunity of art school because I won’t put my family into risks.

Nevertheless, I always wish I would one day become an artist, even part-time. That’s why I am so excited when I find this website.

The classical art is always my inspiration. I am so happy to see Drawing Academy shows how old masters accomplished all that wonders!

I wish I can improve my drawing skills. Sometimes I have so much in my mind. but I just don’t know how to convey it. Besides, I want to know the secrets behinds the art of old masters.


Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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